Since its initial founding in 1966, our Zeta Phi chapter, the 144th chapter in Delta Sigma Pi, has thrived throughout the history of Florida Atlantic University. Zeta Phi prospers through the hard work and ambition of our members, and we seek to find the most valuable business students who encapsulate the values of the fraternity.

Through community service events, we aim to help the community thrive because it not only allows us the opportunity to helping those in need, but also to grow as individuals and as a team within the chapter. We participate in several community services such as Habitat for Humanity, Relay for Life, and Students With Disabilities.

Professional events allow students to gain knowledge through firsthand experience with local representatives about certain career paths and what it takes to pave their way into the business world. Resume events, representatives from Sagicor, job fairs and other events have shaped our members and allowed the opportunity to learn about the business world outside the classroom setting.

Our chapter’s activities may seem like all work and no play, but we also enjoy many fun activities throughout the semester. We host several social events which build a great experience and allow for networking with students just like yourself. You’ll find yourself emerged in the campus life with a new group of friends that carry a common interest in business and share the same classes as you. 

Brotherhood is an important aspect in our chapter. Nothing is more assuring than knowing you have your brothers there for you. Not only do we help each other out with community service and have fun through social events, but we also often take classes together and push each other in our student. Nothing is better than having friends who will loan or give you a textbook for free and automatically having a study group to help you excel academically.

Zeta Phi chapter aspires to help our members flourish throughout their time in our chapter, allowing them the opportunity to gain knowledge, network with colleagues, and have an understanding of real world experience. Zeta Phi not only serves as the perfect college experience for business majors, but also builds a community and a brotherhood for our members.

Brother Spotlight


Tyler Fabian

Tyler is a junior majoring in Business Management with a concentration in Leadership and a minor in Business Law. He's been a member of the Zeta Phi chapter since Fall of 2019. He was the 2020 Collegian of the Year for the Zeta Phi chapter. Before serving as our President he was our Vice President of Pledge Education and is currently the acting fundraising chair as well. One fun fact about Tyler is that he was born in Michigan but grew up in Tampa!

Gabriella Leon
Gabriella is a sophomore with a major in Marketing. She joined Delta Sigma Pi during the Fall 2020 semester. She has previously held the Fundraising Chair position before SVP. Fun fact about Gabriella is that she loves to watch the sunrise at the beach.

Hannah Rucker

Hannah is a junior majoring in International Business. She joined Delta Sigma Pi in Fall of 2019. She has also held the position of Vice President of Community Service and Senior Vice President. Fun fact, Hannah loves ice skating!

Rebecca Dorvil

Rebecca is a junior with a double major in Business Management with a concentration Leadership and International Business. She joined Delta Sigma Pi in the Spring of 2021. One dun fact about Rebecca is that she has four siblings. 

Megan Smith

Megan is currently a sophomore with a major in Marketing. She joined Delta Sigma Pi during the Fall 2020 semester. One fun fact about Megan is that she is very passionate about photography.

Caitlin Troxell

Caitlin is a junior double majoring in Finance and Marketing. She joined Delta Sigma Pi during the spring of 2021. She has enjoyed networking and meeting new people through Delta Sigma Pi. A fun fact about Caitlin is that she can juggle. 

Justyn Byrd

Justyn is a senior graduating in May 2022 majoring in business economics. He was initiated into DSP in the spring of 2021 and has been at FAU since 2018. Justyn's two favorite things are music and sports, ever since he was young he had a passion for both and been involved in sports since he was 4 years old. Something he loves about Delta Sigma Pi, "I could instantly tell brothers within the fraternity really cared about you as a person and want to see you do well in school and life. Brothers have already motivated me to become a better person academically and in life and I'm grateful for that in joining."

Jessica Whitworth

Jessica is an Economics major with a minor in Business Administration at FAU. Jess is currently a junior and entering her second semester as a brother of Delta Sigma Pi. "I love exercising and trying new things and I will never say no to a Sunday brunch. Community Service has always been a passion of mine and I'm excited to bring my ideas to life with the fraternity."

Olivia Fraser
Olivia joined Delta Sigma Pi in 2021. "I enjoy being part of Delta Sigma Pi because it's a place where I can not only grow professionally but be a part of something much more special than that which is creating new friendships and bonds. 

Mohammad Tamjib

Mohammad is currently a sophomore at FAU and joined Delta Sigma Pi in the spring of 2021. "One thing I really enjoy about Delta Sigma Pi is how great brothers are at helping each other both professionally and academically." A fun fact about Mohammad is that he was born in Dubai.

Social Events
Mohammad Khalil
Mohammad is a sophomore who is majoring in management and marketing. He joined DSP during his freshman year of 2019. A fun fact about him is that he owns over 20 animals. 

Our fundraising chair is currently being ran by our President, Tyler Fabian.

Social Media/Webmaster
Our social media/webmaster chair is currently being ran by a committee.